Combat discolouration and restore an attractive brightness to your teeth with our reassuringly safe, yet highly effective, whitening treatments. As we age, our teeth naturally darken but whitening can ‘turn back the clock’ by lightening your teeth and giving you a more youthful appearance.

We offer an ‘at home’ tray whitening system to bring back a little sparkle to your smile:

Phillips Zoom Nite Whitening/White Wash Laboratories Whitening
This convenient way to achieve whiter, more attractive teeth requires three appointments as follows:

  • Your first appointment (20 minutes) – we assess your teeth and gums to make sure they are healthy enough for this swift spruce up. We check your tooth colour so we can keep track of the lightening process, and take impressions of your teeth so our technician can make thin, bespoke trays that fit snugly.
  • Your second appointment (20 minutes) – Paul provides you with your custom-made trays and whitening gel. He also discusses the procedure so you feel totally confident about using the trays at home. You will then wear the trays, containing the gel, for 6-8 hours while you sleep, for approximately 10 nights.
  • Your third and final appointment (2 weeks later for 20 minutes) – Paul will check the shade of your teeth and discuss how home treatment has worked for you.

More about whitening
Whitening is a suitable enhancement for most people, but it will not work on dental restorations such as composite fillings, crowns, bridges and dentures.

The results of whitening are not permanent but you can reuse your bespoke trays for a top-up at home – handy when you want to look your best for special occasions! You simply need to purchase more whitening gel at only £35 per tube*.

A quick reminder of the benefits of whitening

  • Boosts your confidence
  • A simple procedure with noticeable results
  • A cost-effective cosmetic option

Looking to lighten up your smile? Give us a call on 01625 431 063.

*Price correct for 2023

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